Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Newborn Heaven

There must be opposition in all things.... right? I am in newborn Heaven and sleep deprived !@#$! I find myself longing for sleep, but not at the expense of her growing up. So-I'll deal with the constant headaches and exhaustion- if she'll just stay little. I can't believe she'll be 4 weeks tomorrow, probably because it feels like one long day- with lots of little naps. My life has come to a screeching halt. I spend hours in the rocking chair just gazing at her sweet little face while ignoring all the house work that isn't getting done. Oh how I know this will not last, and life will speed up again. I'm sure someday my house will recover, but until then....



Lytles said...

She's so beautiful! I can't wait to see her! I love the pictures!

Mikol said...

Yes, your house-work will always be there...but you must cherish the baby moments while you can. She is so sweet!

Shelley said...

She is absolutely beautiful, Jana! Great pictures. . .Miss Talent:)

savvygirl101 said...

She's so cute!!

Tracey said...

I need you to come take Grace's pics. You are amazing! Kate is beautiful and growing up too fast.