Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bear Lake Highlights

Ya, so the only thing I have a harder time with than journaling is picture organization. And some how all my pictures from this summer have been completely unorganized. As if blogging wasn't hard enough, it now takes twice as long to find the pictures, so I have been putting it off. Maybe now that the kids are back to school I can get better organized. Ya right! Well, it's a nice thought anyway.

Because the Lake came up so high this year there were a ton of frogs and snakes on the beach. No sand for sand castles, but lots of swampy muck and the creatures that go with it.

And of course the boat rides never disappoint, even though the gas pump went out on this one about a half hour after I took this picture. So we had to tow it back to the cabin, with my kids and my parents on it, but it still made an exciting boat trip. Boy are we happy that Grandpa has two boats:)
And oh boy, we all love the old trusty tractor that gets the boats in and out.

And it seems like every Sunday the lake is always perfectly smooth for skiing, tempting everyone to jump in........but, we end up at our Bear Lake ward instead. And I just have to say how much we appreciate this ward. Every summer, on the big holidays like July 4th, 24th, & raspberry days, they put on two Sacrament meetings. (they pack the chapel and the gym both times) And these dear people are so gracious to double or quadruple their primary classes just to accommodate all of us visitors.

But my favorite thing is that I get all these people all to myself.

Bear Lake is our favorite family hang out! I love that my parents have given us this gift!!!!

Thanks Mom and Dad~~~