Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Newborn Heaven

There must be opposition in all things.... right? I am in newborn Heaven and sleep deprived !@#$! I find myself longing for sleep, but not at the expense of her growing up. So-I'll deal with the constant headaches and exhaustion- if she'll just stay little. I can't believe she'll be 4 weeks tomorrow, probably because it feels like one long day- with lots of little naps. My life has come to a screeching halt. I spend hours in the rocking chair just gazing at her sweet little face while ignoring all the house work that isn't getting done. Oh how I know this will not last, and life will speed up again. I'm sure someday my house will recover, but until then....


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baby Kate

It's a girl!!!
Kate Elizabeth Fotheringham
9/3/09 8lbs 20 inches
"I am not getting in that bed!!!!"
I spent most of my Labor walking the halls or bouncing on a birthing ball.
When she decided to come, she came QUICK!
What a relief!!!

I am so glad I got to experience natural childbirth. I could not have done it without all my cheerleaders- First Dave who is my strength! He gave me a blessing and I couldn't help but feel like everything was going to be just fine. Cousin Amy, who convinced me that I could do this in the first place. (you were so right about everything!) My sis/neighbor Annie, who held my hand the whole way. ( You made me feel tougher than I really am!) And all of my friends who shared their "going natural" experiences -you are all my heroes.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Due Date has come and gone!

I feel bad complaining because I could of had it -(yes, we still don't know the sex) by now. Yep- could have been induced two weeks ago. I have never been this pregnant before and for some reason I have this strong desire to do it the old fashion way.(well sort of) On some level (I guess) I want to know a little what my sweet grandmothers had to go through. (No ultrasound or Pitocin) Anyone who knows me, knows I am not a patient person. I have always peeked to see what the sex is and I have them hook up the pit A.S.A.P. I have never gone into Labor, or felt a painful contraction in my life.

I guess knowing this is my last ... I don't want to feel like I missed something. One day when one of my daughter's ask me --what does "going into labor" feel like? (hopefully-though it's not looking good) I will have experienced it. (Silly I know)

The things that are driving me crazy right now are:

-Because of the pre-term labor scares -I've been told this baby could come "any day now" for TWO MONTHS

-My body has been taunting me with hrs and hrs of pretty intense contractions only to stop when I start to take them seriously.

-I have one shirt that fits over my stomach- no bottoms- everything I have feels like it is cutting me in half.

-I have tried everything (except Castor oil) to induce Labor and NOTHING WORKS!

-It is so hard to plan things right now because you just never know if you're going to be around. (And my sweets friends and family who are trying to plan around this too have got to be about done.) Sorry guys

-did I mention ...IT'S SEPTEMBER.

-It has been brought to my attention (many times) that the average gestation period is 41 and 1/7th weeks- (just what every pregnant woman wants to hear)

-NESTING ha ...just to get it un-nested.

O.K. I'll stop. I know this is just a short time and when it's over -it's over. I'm sure there is a reason this kid has not come out yet -and when it's ready we will find someway to get it here. I've heard you shouldn't have expectations when it comes to childbirth -because it never goes the way you expect. I just need to to be patient and roll with it and somehow enjoy the emotional roller coaster ride.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School

Yes, I'm late but last week was crazy. The girls were so excited about school this year. They all like their teachers and are anticipating a great school year!My baby is in Preschool. He is so excited and loves being big! I actually had two and a half hours to myself yesterday because all my kids were at school. That's a first!