Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy 4th of July

We just got back from a fun four days at Bear Lake! The weather was not the best but we still managed to have some fun!!

Kate's first boat ride!!! Hates the life jacket
loves the boat!
You can't tell because of the flash, but it's almost dark. My brother thought he'd shower off the back of the boat.

Bree is now a skier!!!!

Look at the smile on that face. SHE DID IT !!!

I almost look like I know what I'm doing!

I love to watch my hubby on the wake board:-)

My brother and Mom make the best Pizza, it tastes just like the real stuff. In fact it's better than any pizza I've ever had!

Bye, Bye

1 comment:

Lytles said...

Great pictures! I love the water skiing pictures! Looks like you had a great weekend!