Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Saydi

I can't believe it's been 11 years. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be this girl's mother! She is the funnest kid to have around. My favorite thing about Saydi is that she always thinks about others before herself. Even today, when I took her to breakfast and asked her where she wanted to go, she said "wherever is the least expensive". And then she ended up bringing half of her food home to share with her siblings. Then when we went to Walmart to pick out a class treat, she decided on card games because someone in her class has a peanut allergy (and because Abby was looking for games to take to school today for her "game day".)She is constantly thinking of others.

What a gift! She loves doing hair! (I haven't had to do hers for years now) she LOVES GYMNASTICS AND CHEERLEADING and sometimes loves playing the piano.

She loves her cousins!

Happy Birthday SAYD!!!


Lytles said...

You are lucky because she really is a sweet girl! I love the picture of your kids!

Anonymous said...

You have an amazing kids!