Monday, January 14, 2013

Catching up

So I know it is FREEZING right now, but that just makes me long for warmer weather. While going through my warmer weather pictures I realized I am way behind on my journal/blog.  One of my New Year's resolutions is to document more...... so here goes.
Last season we decided to get Lagoon season passes for everyone. In the past it's just been one or two kids, but we decided to go for broke (literally) and get one for everyone. (Dave opted out because he knew his work schedule wouldn't permit it.... not to mention it's not his favorite thing.)
I have to admit it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I can't even ride very many rides but I had a blast just watching the kids. My favorite part was watching the older kids with Kate. I thought they would all want to go off on their own but no, they were so excited to take her on the rides.
 My parent's foreign exchange student came back to visit and we brought her with us. She has been a nanny in California over the past year. She kept telling tell me how good my kids were....and they were that day;)
As fun as it was, we did get our fill of Lagoon for the season. I think we will take next season off and do more Bear Lake.

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