Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

I like to take my kids to the cemeteries where my grandparents are buried. It gives me a chance to tell them what I remember about these wonderful people.
My Grandma Read was so fun. She hosted most our our big family get togethers.
Things that remind me of her........yummy rolls, candy and cookies (always on hand), fancy crinkle cut carrots, never a hair out of place, traveling to foreign countries, Greek statues & golden couches, plastic cups with our names on them, silly songs like "I'm a suit case" or "Gladys" (who slipped on a bar of soap), road trips to see cousins, dramatic readings.
My Grandpa Read was amazing! He spent his whole life trying to make other's lives better. (my lucky grandmother) Things that remind me of him.......gardening, cherry trees, produce in bushel baskets, bonfires, green cabins, motor homes, road trips with cousins, rubber wading boots, sen-sens (little black mints) the "energizer bunny", shredded wheat.
They both had nicknames for me that were exclusive to them. My Grandma called me "Jannie" and my Grandpa called me "Jan". I don't know why I thought that was so neat -but I loved it. My grandma would tell me how talented I was and I actually believed her. They had a lot of grand kids, but somehow managed to make me feel so special.
My Grandma Griffeth lived with me most of my childhood. My Grandpa past away before I was born. She was almost a second mother to me. She was so kind and soft spoken- We lived in the same house for 12 years and I can't remember her getting mad once. I'm sure she did, but she was so mild mannered that I never knew it. (My husband wonders why I didn't inherit that) I did, to some extent, inherit her frugality though. She was a penny pincher!!- but what a wonderful example that was for me. Things that remind me of her.......crocheting, homemade flash cards, (she was a school teacher) apple crisp, asparagus and brussel sprouts (my favorite veggies) clipping coupons and weekly grocery ads, my great-aunts(Hazel and Wonda), the temple, bright pink lipstick,Star Valley and rhubarb.
I loved hearing her sing the hymns in church. She had a quite a"unique" voice, but I love that I can still hear it in my head when I close my eyes and think of it.

1 comment:

Lytles said...

Sounds like you had such wonderful Grandparents! What great memories you get to share with your children! What a great Memorial Day to remember our loved ones who have died. Thanks for sharing.